Massage Benefits

Equine Sports Massage Therapy (ESMT) and Canine Massage Therapy are a wonderful addition to any training program or injury recovery. The massage treatment is effective in improving flexibility, range of motion, works to relieve pain, eliminate toxins and relieves tension. ESMT has increased performance levels, competitiveness and endurance for the performance and recreational horse. Recreational and performance horses often lose training and work time due to muscle, ligament, tendon strain or injury. ESMT assists in recovery time. In addition, promotes over all wellness. 60% of a horses weight is muscle. The Muscular System contributes to the performance and well being of the horse. The positive effects of massage therapy have been demonstrated with great success.

Servicing all disciplines, the show ring, trail, track, rodeo and your back yard friend! All can benefit from massage therapy!


Some examples of massage benefits, that assist in the health, comfort and performance of your horse or dog:

  • Massage encourages circulation, it increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching the bone and soft tissues.
  • Dilation of blood vessels, increases circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system, which in turn encourages the removal of waste products and decreases lactic acid build up.
  • Since massage stimulates blood circulation, the positive affects can be used in situations when activity is limited, such as stall rest or being restricted to a boarding kennel.
  • Prior to intense activity, massage can help warm up the muscles (which helps to prevent injury) and increase job focus and effort.
  • After training or performing it helps to cool the animal down and aids in the prevention of lactic acid build-up that results in sore muscles.
  • Massage can reduce fibrous tissue adhesions beneath the skin, (which can be caused by strains, wounds or blows), this tissue can impede the proper movement of muscles.
  • For developing and young animals massage is useful in stimulating the blood flow to the bones, thereby nourishing the skeletal system.
  • It can help to promote the development of nerve pathways in the brain, which can result in an increased rate of learning.

Equine Massage(ESMT) is a compliment to regular veterinary, dental and farrier care not a substitute.